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The internet reaches over 348 million people in North America and over 7 Billion people worldwide!

Acts 1:8 says: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

Together, we can use the internet to reach to the ends of the earth, bringing people the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! Those of us who are Christians, still need daily encouragement from our brothers and sisters in Christ. This is what Renewed Strength is for, but we need your help.

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  • Share your thoughts in the comments on any post. Your question or comment may help others also.
  • Join our Christian Forum.
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  • Subscribe to our daily Bible Reading program and encourage your friends to do the same.
  • Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and by RSS.
  • Spread the word. Social media is a powerful tool. Likeing and Sharing our posts help let others know about Renewed Strength, as well as sharing the message with others.



Nothing happens without God and we are nothing without God.

  • Pray that this ministry will be able to help fellow Christians grow closer to Christ
  • Pray that together, we will be able to reach the lost, and teach them about having a relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for changed lives.
  • Pray for others by becoming a Prayer Warrioron our Christian Forum.



We are always looking for guest bloggers to contribute to Renewed Strength. Do you feel lead to write for us?


Link to Renewed Strength

Another great way to link to us is by using our Daily Bible Verse script on your website!



Thank you and may God bless you all

In HIS service...
... for HIS glory
Renewed Strength